Make Money Online with Amazon!

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Amazon  is the website for literally anything . You can find from a Pin to an Anchor for sure on that Website . The reason  most people love this website is because it offers endless ways for you ( the consumers) to make money . If you think about it in retrospect , it’s like you are a partner in that company, where you’ve invested your time and you will be able to reap cash benefits .

Today, i want to share with you ways how you can make money online using Amazon’s Advertising Programs.  If you have a Website or a Blog , making money has not been easier.

I must let you know, there is a learning curve involved but once you get the hang of it you will be able to add your own spark to it .

Here’s how….

Amazon Affiliates Program

To find these Programs , scroll to the bottom of the Amazon Page where you will see “Make Money with Us” . From here you will see various options. These options fit specific people in Specific Niches .

Banner Ads – This is one of the quickest and most straightforward ways to make money . You simply sign up for the Program , if you meet the requirements Amazon will accept you right away . Then you simply select select the type of Ad you would like and copy and paste that link back to your website . These are “Per Click”  Ads , therefore whenever an individual clicks the ad , you make money .

Sell Your Products – Amazon gives Advertisers and Business Owners numerous options where this is concerned . You are able to sell your products to thousands of people all over the world without a per listing fee . There is also the option your very own web store on Amazon and the best part is … you get the first month FREE .

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Become an Affiliate! This is as the  name sounds. This is quite similar to Banner/ Products ads , however you Only make money once an individual clicks on your link . There is the ability to earn up to 10% in Commission. The good part about this is that people are always on Amazon , so you will have no problem making money in a Flash.

Write a Review – ( For Businesses) This is a bit unconventional as it relates to making money on Amazon but it makes sense . As we all know … Amazon sells more than just books ! There are tons of items available . The first think i check for when i visit the site are the reviews on the bottom of the page .. what are people saying about the product , do they like it?  Write a review on the product you have for sale and people you find you more trust worthy and credible and will more than likely want to purchase continuously from your store.

Make it a Business: This is a no brainer tip , but Amazon has made all it’s “Money Making” Programs easy and straightforward that even a Caveman can do it . However , there still needs to be a degree of dedication and hard work that goes into these programs . It has been suggested that at least 2 hours out of each day be dedicated to the specific program you signed up for.

Amazon is the world’s top E-commerce sites . Amazon sells to the 50 states in the U.S and over 45 Countries worldwide . Consumers like it because it is user friendly , engaging and is filled with tons of items . Amazon is having the world at your fingertips.